Invoice2go makes it easy for any small business to create and send a professional invoice. We are the ideal solution for all types of businesses— from carpenters to dog walkers, web designers to architects. Creating, organizing and sending invoices doesn’t need to be painful or time consuming. Here’s how the app works:
Choose from one of more than 20 invoice templates. Customize your invoice with a current business logo or use our tool to design a new one. We’ve spoken with business owners who use Invoice2go and most of them agree that sending out a professional invoice this easily feels almost as good as getting paid. (Almost.)
Create your first invoice on your Android Phone or Tablet. Once you’re ready, email the invoice directly to your customer for payment.
Or, draw up an estimate. Include a description of your business products or services, along with predicted rates and times. You can also customize your estimate to match the needs of a specific customer.
We’ll keep you organized. No more paper or file folders. After an estimate or an invoice is sent, it will automatically go into a designated folder as you await payment. You’ll always have everything you need for weekly, monthly or yearly accounting.
Stay connected on all of your devices. Invoice2go utilizes cloud technology to sync your accounts continuously. For example, if you send an invoice from your phone, it will also be available on your tablet and in the web app.
Send out reminders. Keep your customers updated as often as you like. Add PayPal buttons to your invoice to ensure you’ll receive payment even faster.
Some key features include:
Receipts: Skip shoebox accounting. Instead, save photos of your receipts and generate expense reports for your accountant or customers.
Document Signing: Turn off your printer. Now your customers can sign documents on your tablet or mobile phone.
Statements: Send your customers a full update of their accounts, including paid and unpaid invoices.
Calendars: Add time entries for jobs and then upload them to your documents.
Maps: Insert location information into documents and see where your sales get the most attention.
Scanning: Add barcodes and QR codes to invoices with ease by simply scanning the information you need.
Ready to get started? Download the app today. You can create up to three free professional invoices. If you like what you see, you can select a plan that offers even more for your business.
Invoice2go ,很容易让任何小型企业创建和发送专业发票。我们为各类businesses-从木匠到遛狗,网页设计师建筑师的理想解决方案。创建,组织和发送发票不需要是痛苦或费时。以下是应用程序的工作原理:
选择从超过20发票模板之一。自定义您的发票与当前的业务标识或使用我们的工具来设计一个新的。我们已经谈过,谁使用Invoice2go且大多同意派出一个专业发票这很容易感觉几乎一样好得到报酬的企业主。 (几乎)。
保持连接的所有设备。 Invoice2go利用云计算技术,不断同步您的帐户。例如,如果您从您的手机发送发票,这也将是适用于平板电脑和Web应用程序。